Sunday 14th October 11.00am – 4.00pm Family Fun Day of Science at NLO: £8/adults Children/Free
Planetarium Shows, Storytelling under the Stars, Dome Tours, Jet Car racing, Hands-on-Science activities, Coding Workshops, Robots
and much more. Plus the following talks in the lecture theatre:
12.30pm : “Adventures in Space” by Dr. Susie Imber – University of Leicester and Winner of the BBC2 series Astronauts: Do You Have What it Takes?
Dr Suzie Imber is an Associate Professor of Planetary Science at the University of Leicester. She specialises in studying space weather; understanding the impact of the solar wind on the magnetised planets, in particular the Earth and Mercury.
She is also a high altitude mountaineer and explorer, and the winner of the BBC2 series Astronauts: Do You Have What it Takes? In this talk she will discuss her journey into becoming a scientist, and the challenge of juggling her career with training as an elite athlete. In 2016 she used the University supercomputer to discover many unclimbed mountains in the Andes, and every year sets off to scale more of these peaks, sometimes even finding Incan ruins on the summits! Suzie is a co-investigator on one of the instruments heading to Mercury on board the BepiColombo spacecraft, launching in October, so she will talk a little about the instrument, the mission, and the unanswered questions surrounding Mercury’s composition, evolution and magnetic field. Finally Suzie will present some of the challenges she faced as part of the BBC Astronauts series, and where the journey has taken her since the show.
2.15pm : “Invisible Worlds” by Marty Jopson – BBC One Show scientist
Take a journey from everyday life, down into the realm of microscopical wonders with Marty Jopson, the BBC One Show’s resident scientist. The adventure begins with things you can almost see but soon you will find yourself in a world totally invisible to the unaided eye. Marty will take you from the very beginnings of microscopy, through hugely magnified insects, bacteria and plants to the most up to date fluorescent techniques demonstrated live on the stage. A show not just full of stunning images, but interactive demonstrations and samples harvested from the audience. You have been warned! This show is supported by Zeiss, global leaders in the manufacture of microscopes.
3.30pm: “Ask Marty Anything – About Everyday Science!” Question and Answer session with audience. Marty will answer all your most pressing scientific questions.
Part of Sidmouth Science Festival – see for more details.