We are all Star Stuff – 18th March

This year British Science Week 2023 is running with the theme “Connections”.
Where better to investigate our connections with the Universe than to come along to our NLO Family Day event “We are all Star Stuff!” to be held on Saturday March 18th from 11.00am – 5.00pm. There will be plenty to entertain young minds, with talks, planetarium shows, storytelling sessions, hands-on-science demos (courtesy Colyton Grammar students), historic telescope tours, rocket launching and meteor detecting.
Refreshments available from “165 Coffee & Provisions”. Free Entry for children, Adults £10.
11.00am Doors open
11.15am Planetarium Show: “The Sky Tonight”
12.00pm Planetarium Show: “The Sky Tonight”
12.30pm Lecture Theatre: “Connecting stardust: how everything we see is made from the stars” Dr Des Howlett
1.00pm Planetarium: “Stories under the Stars” Mike O’Leary
2.00pm Planetarium Show: “The Sky Tonight”
2.15pm Lecture Theatre: “How Tardigrades will help us survive in Space” Amy Scarr
3.00pm Planetarium: “More Stories under the Stars” Mike O’Leary
3.30pm Lecture Theatre: “What’s the Big Idea” Jon Evans – A 30-min talk where I count down the top 10 biggest ideas in science in the style of Top of the Pops.
4.00pm Planetarium Show: “The Sky Tonight”
5.00pm Doors close