Sidmouth Science Festival 2020

Enjoy the 2020 Sidmouth Science Festival from the comfort of your own home. 

This year the Sidmouth Science Festival are unable to put on their usual packed programme of hands-on activities, talks, walks and events so have moved what they can online. There are daily talks on a number of different subjects: Swifts, the Sidmouth Fatberg, Power Electronics, Engineering to Conserve the SS Great Britain,Cape Farewell, Survival at the limits; from mountains to intensive care medicine, and the Science of Swimming. There is a Citizen Science project to join in with which involves observing gull behaviour and 2 competitions for all ages: build a rubber band car and create a Fantasy Jurassic Park. There are links to other interesting topics on the website too.

These events are all free and some are online already. The talks run from Friday 9th to Sunday 18th October.

The Monday evening talk is usually at the NLO but it is online this year and participants need to register in advance.
12 Oct Mon 7:30pm – 8:30pm Phil Mawby – Chair of Power and Electronic applications, Warwick University. The new breed of Power Electronics – Driving the Electric Revolution:–-driving-electric-revolution

Check out the website for all the details and instructions of how to join the talks. You will need to register with Eventbrite on the website for each talk, then you will be sent the Zoom links.
Or have a look at the Facebook page